The Corporation of the Township of Tarbutt

9:00 – 4:00

Monday – Friday

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(705) 782-6776

Tarbutt Township Cemeteries

Port Findlay Cemetery

Located at 243 Hardwood Drive, the Tranquil Port Findlay Cemetery nestled in amongst Maples and Oaks is the working Cemetery for the Township of Tarbutt. 

The Port Findlay is an operating cemetery and includes a mausoleum.  Enquiries about the Port Findlay Cemetery, plot sales or burials may be directed to Jared Brice at the Township office.

Stickney Cemetery 

If you have never visited the Stickney Cemetery you are missing out on an integral part of the history of Tarbutt Township. Our Cemetery Board has worked hard over the past few years to replace the gate at the entrance to the cemetery, add a large sign which is visible from both directions on Barr Rd at the entrance. Although several stones are missing we also have plans to identify and mark where each of the plots are located and who is buried there. If you have an ancestor in the Stickney Cemetery please share who they are along with any photos or history you may have. All this information will be compiled into a binder that will be kept at the Township Office.

Cemetery Board Agenda and Minutes
