The Corporation of the Township of Tarbutt

9:00 – 4:00

Monday – Friday

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(705) 782-6776

Resolutions of Support

The Township of Tarbutt Council supports the following resolutions:

November 22, 2023, Resolution(s) of Support

Resolution No:  2023 – 154

Moved by:  D. McClelland                   Seconded by:  J. Nagel

Be it resolved that the correspondence items a through eon the Consent Agenda dated November 22, 2023 be received; and 

That the Council of The Township of Tarbutt supports the City of Sault Ste. Marie and other Ontario municipalities in requesting that the Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, declare intimate partner violence and gender based violence an epidemic, and to set up a provincial implementation committee to oversee comprehensive consideration of all 86 recommendations of the Renfrew County Inquest; and 

That the newly formed East Algoma Police Services Board give this matter top priority by including it into the Community Safety and Well Being Plan for Algoma. 


October 18, 2023, Resolution(s) of Support

Resolution No:  2023 – 136

Moved by:  U. Abbott                   Seconded by:  J. Nagel

Be it resolved that Correspondence items a through f listed herein be received; and

That Council supports the resolution from the City of Cambridge declaring intimate partner violence an epidemic;

The resolution from the Municipality of Bluewater regarding the dire situation of childcare availability in Ontario; and also

The Town of Coburg requesting a strengthening of municipal enforcement of illegal land uses by the Province; and

That Council supports the letter from MPP Catherine Fife regarding fixing the Long Term Care Amendment Act to ensure the right of residents not to be separated from their spouses upon admission to long term care. 



September 20, 2023, Resolution(s) of Support


Resolution No:  2023 – 120  

Moved by:  J. Nagel                      Seconded by:  U. Abbott

Be it resolved that correspondence items a. through g. on the consent agenda dated September 20, 2023 be received; and

That Council support the resolutions from the Township of Cramahe to amend the Highway Traffic Act to allow municipalities to place automated speed enforcement systems on any roadway under municipal jurisdiction; and

The City of Hamilton regarding a request to the province to halt greenbelt development.


June 21, 2023, Resolution(s) of Support

Resolution No:  2023 – 84

Moved by:  D. McClelland            Seconded by:  D. Farrar

Be it resolved that correspondence items a. through f. on the consent agenda dated June 21, 2023 be received; and

That Council fully supports the resolution circulated by AMO to improve and enforce municipal codes of conduct as follows:

WHEREAS all Ontarians can expect and deserve a safe and respectful workplace; and

WHEREAS municipal governments, as the democratic institutions most directly engaged with Ontarians, need respectful discourse; and

WHEREAS several incidents of disrespectful behaviour and workplace harassment have occurred in recent years amongst members of municipal councils, and occur at an alarming rate, particularly among small, rural communities; and

WHEREAS these incidents seriously and negatively affect the people involved and erode the public perception of local government; and

WHEREAS municipal Codes of Conduct are helpful tools to set expectations of council member behaviour toward staff and other council members; and

WHEREAS municipal governments are not provided with the necessary tools to adequately enforce compliance with municipal Codes of Conduct;

NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that The Township of Tarbutt supports the call of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) for the Ontario Government to introduce legislation to strengthen municipal Codes of Conduct and compliance in consultation with municipal governments; and further

THAT the legislation encompass the following AMO recommendations to:

  • Update municipal Codes of Conduct to account for workplace safety and harassment;
  • Create a flexible administrative penalty regime, adapted to the local economic and financial circumstances of municipalities across Ontario;
  • Increase training of municipal Integrity Commissioners to enhance consistency of investigations and recommendations across the province;
  • Allow municipalities to apply to a member of the judiciary to remove a sitting member if recommended through the report of a municipal Integrity Commissioner; and
  • Prohibit a member so removed from sitting for election in the term of removal and in the subsequent term of office.


Carried Unanimously

May 24, 2023, Resolution(s) of Support
Resolution No:  2023 – 72
Moved by:  D. Farrar                    Seconded by:  D. McClelland
Be it resolved that correspondence items a. through j. on the Consent Agenda dated May 24, 2023 be received; and 

That The Township of Tarbutt adds its support to the letter from the AMO President, and over 100 Ontario municipalities  in support of Bill 5, to update and increase municipal Codes of Conduct, and improve enforcement to reduce the number and severity of incidents of disrespectful, uncivil, and egregious conduct by some municipal council members in an effort to improve the working environment of municipal elected and staff officials; and
That Council supports the resolutions from The Township of Armour regarding the lack of municipal and provincial consultation on water aerodromes, and to prohibit the construction and use of mixed use docks and structure; and 

The County of Prince Edward seeking a pause to Bill 23 implementation, particularly regarding natural heritage and agricultural lands, and to reinvest trust in local planning authorities; and 

The Town of Fort Frances seeking additional resources to combat the opioid crisis in Northern Ontario; and

The United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry requesting a pause to the proposed PPS changes which would dramatically remove municipal power, and to reinvest trust in local planning authorities; and

The Resolution from FONOM, and from the Municipality of Wawa regarding revisions to the Municipal Oath of Office. 

Carried  Unanimously

April 19, 2023, Resolution(s) of Support

Resolution No:  2023 – 58

Moved by:  D. McClelland                  Seconded by:  D. Farrar 

Be it resolved that correspondence items a. through i. on the consent agenda dated April 19, 2023 be received; and 

That Council authorizes a donation to Central Algoma Intermediate & Secondary School for grade 8 and grade 12 graduations in the same amounts as last year; and

That Council authorizes a donation to Algoma District Crime Stoppers in the amount of $250.00; and

That Council supports the resolution from the Municipality of North Perth regarding school bus stop arm cameras; and

The Town of Essex regarding tax classifications for short term rentals, and retention of surplus proceeds from tax sales; and

That the contract with the SSM SPCA be renewed for 2023 at an annual cost of $800. 



March 15, 2023, Resolution(s) of Support

No:  2023 – 38

Moved by:  D. McClelland             Seconded by: J. Nagel

Be it resolved that correspondence items a. through f. on the consent agenda dated
March 15, 2023 be received; and

That Council approves the annual donation to the Central Algoma Freshwater Coalition
in the amount of $250; and 

That Council supports the resolutions from the Municipality of Trent Lakes regarding revisions to the Municipal Oath of Office, and

The Township of Moonbeam requesting an extension on the moratorium for pupil accommodation reviews.
